Thursday, December 17, 2009

Merry CHRISTmas

Joy to the World! During these tough times of economic crisis, job losses, family sicknesses, etc, there is one thing that is constant and that is God loved us so much to send his Son, Jesus Christ. Let us remember this special gift this Christmas and continue to spread cheer by saying Merry CHRISTmas!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

As we enter this time of the Holiday season, let us be thankful for what God has provided for us. Let your APA friends know what you are thankful for this Thanksgiving by posting a comment on our blog.

Friday, October 2, 2009

2009 Rocky Mountain Regional Conference

“This conference rocks!” That is one of many compliments that I heard about our 2009 Rocky Mountain Regional Conference. Twelve people were able to attend this year’s conference in Grand Island, Nebraska. Everything was wonderful, the food, the presenters, all of the small details that were taken into care and consideration. It was all wonderful and many thanks goes to Rebecca Plambeck and Britteny Beckstrom for organizing and planning the conference. We had so much fun and learned so much. We also were able to introduce our region to our first time attendees: Rose Miller, Johnnie Means, and Zep Sylvis (Pacific Region). In addition to the classes we also recognized Judy Dill (Level I), Sue Nedderman ( Level II), Angie Palmer ( Level III), Suzie Payne (Level III), and Rebecca Plambeck ( Level I) on receiving their certification. We did complete some business at this conference and came up with new policies and a budget for 2010. (The details from this meeting will come out soon with a copy of the minutes from the meeting.) We also elected Rebecca Plambeck as our new secretary for our region. It was also decided that Alayne Stevens, Judy Dill and Bobbie Hoffman will be making plans for our 2010 conference.

Overall, this conference was such a wonderful time and I’m not talking just about the classes, food, and all of the freebies that we received this last weekend. The best part was the fellowship. We as a region are truly blessed to have such a great group in our region…and on that note I am excited to see all of you back at next year’s conference and those that couldn’t make it this year…well I’m anxious to see you in 2010.

God Bless,

Angie Palmer
Rocky Mountain President

Monday, September 28, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Pacific Regional Conference

The Pacific Region is heading to Zephyr Point next week for their Regional Conference. Anyone else want to join us?

Friday, July 17, 2009

Business Meeting

Today was the annual business meeting of the Administrative Personnel Association. Here are some of the highlights....
1. Changes in the bylaws that were strictly grammatical with no changes in content
2. Election of Officers....National Secretary, Jan Tyson and National Treasurer, Carol Ferrantelli
3. Presentation of gifts to new attendees
The meeting is to be held over to Saturday evening for presentation of certifications and installation of officers.


If you missed this event, then I'm sorry for you."Everything's here, wish you were here.

Life Changing

Trish Deppermann writes....
I've been here since Saturday evening. The classes have been outstanding. I thought I knew a lot about religion but these classes have given me a new appreciation. This week has been life changing for me.

More from Florida

AMAZING! The classes are terrific with knowledgeable and interesting teachers. The people are wonderful and I'm making lots of new friends.

What members are saying about APA

Technology classes were outstanding! Openning worship was meaningful and addressed issues of today.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Classes Today

Classes this morning include Book of Confessions, Polity II and Going Green. Here are some people getting ready for class.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Greetings from Central Florida

Welcome to Florida!
Tonight at just after six pm (class just happened to be on break) many people packed the 19th floor stairwell to witness the space shuttle launch. The weather was very cloudy and we were not sure that the shuttle would launch after several previous scrubs because of weather, but sure enough there was success. Wish you could have all been here to see it.
Photo taken by Zep Sylvis

Monday, June 22, 2009

National Conference

Anyone out there attending the National Conference or Certification Event? Let us know what you're looking forward to the most.

Monday, March 9, 2009

National Conference Drawing!

You could be the winner of a $25.00 gift certificate at the 2009 National Conference in Orlando, FL. The first 100 members to complete the conference registration form and mail it with a check to the national treasurer will have their names entered in a drawing for one of two gift certificates. To qualify, the treasurer must receive your information no later than 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time on April 15, 2009.

{Members of the Executive Board are excluded from this drawing.}

Good Luck!

Carol McGinn

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Looking for a Roommate

Are you looking for a roommate for the National Conference? Why not place a comment on the blog letting us know the details.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

2009 Conference Registration

Hey everyone,
Registration information is now available on the APA website. Let us know if you are making plans to attend the 2009 Conference in Florida. Just place a comment on this blog so we find out who we look forward to seeing this summer.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy 2009! We wish you all a healthy and happy new year. Make you plans now to join APA in Orlando, FL in July.